
pure sine wave inverter--The industrial structure optimization

Ten industry to lead the development. Ten industry realized an added value of 351.185 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6%, 4.6 percentage points higher than the GDP growth, accounting for the city’s GDP accounted for 45%. Advanced equipment manufacturing, energy saving and environmental protection, bio-medicine, Internet of things lead to industrial growth, tourism and leisure, financial services, cultural and creative software development momentum, the e-commerce service revenue growth of 72.4%. Cooperation Forum held the first cross-strait cultural and creative industries,pure sine wave inverter join the UNESCO Global Creative Cities Network, to become China’s first “craft and folk art are. The new Sequoia Capital (Hangzhou) equity investment fund institutions 43. Promote the construction of “wisdom Hangzhou, the outdoor applications wifi wireless network is open to the public free of charge.

The characteristics and advantages of industrial optimization and upgrading. The city’s above-scale industrial added value of 239.359 billion yuan, an increase of 10.9%. The City key technology projects started 360, completed in 173,grid tie power inverter completed an investment of 23.45 billion yuan. The preparation of the characteristics and advantages of industry innovation and development of the three-year action plan. The steady growth in the construction industry, the healthy development of the real estate industry. Promote industrialization and integration of information technology development, municipal information technology application and demonstration of pilot enterprises totaled 482. Actively cultivate trademarks and brand new identified 12 Chinese well-known trademarks. Promote changes in the first 10 massive economic restructuring and upgrading to a modern industrial cluster demonstration area.

The steady progress of agricultural modernization. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of agriculture, agricultural output value of 38.434 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6%. Built 20 modern agricultural park by the provincial inspection,power converter all levels of food production Ribbon 206 were completed, 74 new municipal “food basket" base. Implementation of agricultural science and technology projects, and to promote the standardization of agricultural production. Promote agricultural e-commerce platform for the construction of 10 new municipal “trinity" of agricultural public service system demonstration towns. 77 named municipal agricultural leading enterprises.

The platform for the combined effect of significantly enhanced. Large enterprises and groups are further concentrated industry gathering area. The drain industry gathering area to achieve the above-scale industrial output value of 54.9 billion yuan ,pure sine wave inverter the formation of the vehicles, new energy, new materials, related to the sea, advanced equipment manufacturing-led industrial structure. Future Technology City introduced a total of 294 high-tech innovation projects, the Castle Lake City introduced a total of 29 corporate R & D institutions and university research institutions. Xiaoshan District, High-tech Zone (Binjiang) advanced equipment manufacturing, electronic information (Internet of Things) “national new-type industrialization demonstration base. Yuhang, Fuyang Economic Development Zone,power converter upgraded to a state-level economic and technological development zones, Canal, West Lake Advertising Industry Park was identified as a national pilot advertising industry park.

(C) of the city continue to improve

Infrastructure construction to achieve a breakthrough. Metro Line 1 is put into operation, the southeast section of Line 2 to complete the 13 stations on the main structure. Xiaoshan international airport terminal and a second runway is completed and put into use. Hangzhou-Nanjing high-speed railway, Railway East Station hub is basically completed. Hangzhou high-speed long-Hangzhou section of River Bridge, the successful completion of the Pro-Jinhua Expressway, thousands of yellow high-speed, Ring West double-track projects such actively promote. Urban road traffic building a “crucial year" achieved remarkable success, of Qiushi two elevated main line, Jiubao Bridge and so opened to traffic Fengqing Avenue South extension, Rainbow the freeway segment Riverside, and Desheng East Road, transform and elevate the comprehensive improvement of Yan’an Road Engineering and accelerating, the purple tunnel autumn stone three started construction. Qianjiang channel,power converter two channels of the canal, drain waterway Fuchunjiang ship lock extension and reform works actively promote. Xianlin Reservoir, Sanbao drainage and other key water conservancy projects progressing smoothly.

Urban services has been increasing. Xixi heaven,power inverter a new world of innovation and entrepreneurship, and the Avenue of the second phase of the city’s comprehensive construction progressing smoothly. The Xixi Hospital put into use in, Riverside, Xiasha hospital is completed. The Hangzhou Normal Cangqian campus a completion of the main project. Olympic Sports Expo Center building steadily. The main city of the new parking berths 52000, 8700 public berth. (Next turn in the 3rd edition)

(1) urban river comprehensive security engineering to accelerate immediately the construction of 12 river regulation, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Hangzhou 4A level scenic spots were assessed. Digital urban management network covers an area of 351 square kilometers. City clean,pure sine wave inverter, green, lighting, rising standards of ordering. Vice City, the tour of the main city transport links gradually improve.


